Delivering Trust in Ticketing (originally published on 17 Aug 22)

Matthew Zarracina
1 min readSep 16, 2022


Henry Ford once said, “If I had asked my customers what they wanted they would have said a faster horse.” In business (to paraphrase Steve Jobs), people, companies, and industries often “don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” Ticketing is no different.

We all know ticketing in the live events space is not perfect, yet we haven’t been able to articulate and implement the means of improving it.

We are all aware how things work today with ticketing and the issues that accompany it. Many ticketing systems offer features such as ticket sharing (or more accurately stated, ticket forwarding) to make the digital ticketing experience more convenient. Ticketmaster, for instance, allows purchasers to share their event tickets. However, the lack of identity and accountability in the current solutions creates massive problems for the industry at large.

How do we begin to solve this problem?

Read the full op-ed on The Music Network.



Matthew Zarracina

Co-founder & CEO of True Tickets | reader, rower, & former pilot | amateur ball player & guitarist | full-time husband & dad | intellectually curious by nature